Just celebrated our one year anniversary of marriage in October, and we’ll have been together for five years this March. It’s been the most happy time of my life.
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Please check out my brand new comic!
Well, here we are, the final strip!
I’ve written a big long letter about my decision to end DAR and what you can expect to see from me next bellow.
The entire run of DAR! plus my various other books are available through my ebook store (NSFW link!).
Thank you again for reading, I’m gunna go pass the fuck out now.
The End of DAR!
by erika
on December 15, 2009
at 2:51 pm
Hey dudes, good news! I’ve decided to end DAR!
Maybe you already know about it, as it’s been no secret since I’ve talked about it in a lot of the interviews I’ve done in the last few months. But here is my Official, F’reals Announcement. The final strip will air on December 29th, 2009.
My very first DAR! strip was drawn in October 2003 and then made it online sometime not too long after that. That means I’ve been working on this project for about six years now.
It started my sophomore year of college as a 20 year old student and has seen me through my first love, finding my queer identity, my first heartbreak, my first rebounds, traveling to another country, depression and medication, having stupid adventures, meeting the man I’d eventually marry, re-structuring “my identity”, graduation, working in the real world while struggling to keep making art which brings us to today where I’m a 26 year old self-employed happily married woman.
Oh, and I guess there were some dick ‘n’ fart jokes in there too.
Having a weekly deadline has taught me to draw more efficiently and the limited space of six panels has forced me to communicate my ideas as concisely as possible. It’s helped me find my voice and opened up a helluva lot of doors to me professionally. I am extremely fortunate to have gathered a big enough readership that I can mostly live off of this goofy little journal. Most importantly, this comic has been directly responsible for me meeting my heroes, some of my very dearest friends and especially my husband.
I’m extremely grateful for the wonderful opportunities and experiences and connections that have come into my life because of this ridiculous comic.
After six years, I feel emotionally and mentally ready to move on.
But don’t worry!
I have so many more projects I’m turning my attentions towards! DAR! was not my first comic and it is so far away from being my last. Making comics has been my passion for over a decade now (Hell, I even graduated from college with a self-made degree in comics) and I can’t see a time when I’ll ever stop. I’ve still got a whole second volume of DAR! to put out! (It’ll be in my store in early 2010)
As always, you can keep up with me on the various different networking sites out there:
My books and original art will continue to be available for purchase, of course! And, uh, is it too cheeky to include my Amazon Wishlist?
And you can see more of my work on:
In closing, thank you.
Thank you to everyone who has read my work over the years.
I truly appreciate every ounce of support I have ever received from my readers and cannot even come close to expressing how much it has meant to me.
Thanks for sticking around and I hope I see you guys in the future,